Friday, August 11, 2006

Someone is turning 5

I woke this morning with yet another sore neck. Joints aren't too bad today so far, fingers are white and cold like usual...but I think I will hop in the shower and warm them up. My knees still hurt daily, but its a pain I can stand...nothing I have to take some drugs for. But then again, that's just me. I hate drugs of any kind and the fact that I am currently having to pop pills every day promply at 7pm(with the help of my alarm watch) really is irritating. But I have to keep this monster at bay, this monster called Lupus that is just waiting in the background to show its ugly head again.

I sit and write my list of "things to do today", like everyday now. I have no memory left, and while I think about it, I must call the Neurologist and make another apt. Hmmm, I'll write that on my list...LOL

I have dishes to do today. I have procrastinated long enough and now I have a pile to do. Well I don't really wash them,,,LOL I have to unload the dishwasher and put the dirty ones in it. That sounds pathetic doesn't it? Its been three days since the clean ones have sat in the dish washer! I make no excuse, I simply didn't want to do it. I had birthday stuff to buy, a daughter to drive here and there, and also go visit my other two grandsons. It seems that they will be coming home to their mother by next month. She is excited about it. I am apprehensive about it. If she can stay away from her abusive BF then she might have a chance of keeping them for a while this time. Right now, he is still behind bars, so.... she isn't in daily contact with him. But he is scheduled for release in October, so I will be on pins and needles when that date rolls around.

It never gets any easier, even the older they get... kids are very stressful!

Well our house is pretty hectic today. Tomorrow, Saturday.. JJ is turning 5 yrs old and he is so excited. Well that's an understatement. He has been asking his Papa and I everyday for the last two months "how many more days till my birthday?". LOL Its really hard to get him to understand that we have to actually wait until its his birthday before we can have a BD party... so we tell him that it's..."60 more sleeps", or "25 more sleeps" and that he understands.

I personally am really happy that its only "1 more sleep" till his BD.

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